вторник, 28 февраля 2017 г.

Vitamin Diet In Spring For Our Children

It is known well that vitamin deficiency is a special condition, which is accompanied by absence or deficiency of vitamins coming into the human body with food. The most common situation is called the spring beriberi. At this time, the supply of vitamins is usually consumed, and their intake of food is substantially reduced. Children feel this situation especially strong. Especially it concerns families with low social status, as well as the kids born with low birth weight - less than 2.5 kilos. They look weak and are always in a low mood, even if you propose them something really special like, for example, riding on a self balancing scooter in the city park.

Vitamin deficiency is also observed in the child after suffering rickets and anemia. As well as in children, in those, who are suffering frequently from colds and allergies. If your son or daughter gets an insufficient amount of vitamins from food, the deficiency symptoms will have a number of typical features, as in the human body each vitamin plays a special role.
This is the situation, which should be discovered as soon as possible. Why? - The matter is that the child's body is growing rapidly, and therefore it needs vitamins constantly. A lack of them, as well as minerals and various trace elements, has a very negative impact on a child's development and the work of all organs and organism systems. It is difficult to predict what complications your kids may have as a result of this deficiency.

The typical features of spring problems

According to the doctors' pieces of advice, the contemporary parents should immediately worry when they find the following problems:
1.  Increased child fatigue. Attentive parents will notice that the child becomes tired quickly, trying to lie down all the time. The older children can face the problems with studying, absent-mindedness or memory impairment. They are not excited about ordinary things, for example, you may propose them a hoverboard to buy, but they stay calm or even bored.
2.  Sleep disorders. Vitamin deficiency may cause the sleep disorders. Some children may experience increased sleepiness, while others - total insomnia.
3.  Gums problems. Another very significant sign of vitamin deficiency is often represented by bleeding gums. Moreover, in severe cases, blood stays not only on the toothbrush but even on a soft food. In this case, parents should seek medical help as soon as possible.
4.  Colds. If the child begins to suffer colds, parents should also think about the deficiency possibility. Unfortunately, contemporary parents think about weakened immune system in the first turn. And no one connects these two concepts: a deficiency disease and a weakened immune system. And, frankly speaking, in vain. By the way, it is the lack of vitamin C that leads to a great decrease in the immune system.
5.  Some other diseases. In that case, if the kid's body lacks vitamins, cardiovascular diseases, pancreas, nervous system and conjunctivitis may appear. And it is really rather difficult to find out the actual reason of these disease development. That is why it makes more sense to try to prevent deficiency disease than to treat its consequences.
6.  The low weight and the child's growth. Of course, in this situation, the natural and hereditary factors play a huge role. But if your child gains weight or grows too slowly, be sure to think about vitamins.
And, please, remember that in the spring vitamin deficiency is particularly problematic. Therefore, the symptoms can develop very quickly. Take care of the vitamin deficiency prevention properly. Moreover, don't forget about the rest of the family.

Vitamin deficiency prevention

During this period give your child as much fruits and vegetables as possible. The most important sources of vitamins are potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, and apples. They are rich in vitamin C, folic acid, and beta-carotene. In addition, the kid's spring diet should include pickled and salted vegetables.
In order to fill up your vitamin reserves, give him/her a variety of berry fruit drinks such as cranberry or currant. They contain more vitamins than other "spring" fruits and vegetables. And, please, do not forget: the body gets better those foods that are familiar to it.
In addition to vitamins, an important place in the spring diet is taken by proteins. They are really very important for the normal functioning of the immune system. Meat, as it is known well, is one of the main sources of complete protein. Therefore, the special attention should be paid to the presence of meat and fish products in the children's menu.
However, remember that you should not take multivitamin complexes and vitamin infusions at the same time, without the doctors' consent and approval. Otherwise, some elements may be oversupplied.  

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