вторник, 28 марта 2017 г.

Imaginary Worries Of Children From Three to Five Years Old

When your children are three or four years old, they often have different kinds of fears. They can be afraid of dogs, spiders, insects, fire engines, death etc. Children's imagination has reached a stage when he/she can imagine himself/herself in somebody's shoes and imagine the dangers that he/she has not experienced yet. According to the specialists' point of view, at this stage the child wants to learn the mutual connections in the surrounding world. Even driving kids power wheels, the kid is always looking around.
Such fears are often introduced at children experiencing worries because of troubles with feeding and toilet training; whose imagination is agitated by scary stories; who do not provide enough opportunities for the development of individuality and sociability; whose parents are too careful of them.

But, of course, some children are born more sensitive others less. And we can't but mention that all the children, no matter how they have been brought up, are afraid of something
If your child has a fear of the dark, try to convince him/her. Never laugh at your toddler, be patient and attentive. Let your baby know that nothing will happen in the darkness. You can hug your baby, say how much you love him/her. And always be ready to defend. You shouldn't frighten the toddler, talking about goblins, evils, ugly men and devils. Avoid violent TV programs and scary contemporary tales. If there is a situation like this, stop arguing with the child about the eating and the necessity to stay dry at night. Try to fill the kid's day with amazing games or to go for a walk taking self balancingscooter. The more your son or daughter is fascinated by the games, the less he/she is distracted by internal fears. At night do not close the door of kid's room, if the baby asks not to do it. As a variant you may leave a night light burning, which usually brings perfect results.

At this age, the fears of animal are also rather popular, even if the child hasn't had an unpleasant experience of contact with them. Of course, no need to pull your son or daughter to the dog. Frankly speaking, it won't bring any results. The matter is the more you pull, the more he/she will want to get away. In the course, he/she overcomes the fears.
At the same age your son or daughter may have a water fear. The specialists don't recommend to pull a screaming baby in the water (river, lake, pond or sea). Of course, sometimes it happens that a child, who gets into the water occasionally, finds these feelings to be nice and the fear disappears. But more often you will get quite opposite situation. In the course of time, the child will want to step into water, fighting with fear. Courage him/her, please.
The experienced parents are sure that if a child is afraid of dogs, fire trucks, doctors and police, you can overcome this problem through the game. By the way this method is considered to be the best one. If a child, who is afraid of dogs, is able to beat the toy dog by playing, will partially relieve the fear. If your child has an intense fear of something, many worries or frequent nightmares, you will need to ask a child psychiatrist for help.
Every parent wants to have a brave and independent child, but at the same time we are afraid to expose our baby even the slightest danger. Sometimes we are even afraid to get him/her a hoverboard for sale in Florida. How to find a middle between the reckless and excessive caution?
Beginning from an early age, the child is exploring the world, experimenting with everything by touching. It means that parents need to learn how to accompany children in their "brave adventures" and to distract the toddler, turning his/her attention to other things. Mind that in this case it is almost useless to punish, because the more you will suppress the child's desire to the "adventures", the more stubborn he/she becomes. As a rule, the child has strong, independent and individual character, if parents encourage him/her desire to discover the surrounding world.
The close relationship of mother and child is very necessary. But some mothers express their love for the child too actively, and this prevents the kid's development. Protecting the babies from the so-called dangers of the world, we sometimes just "suffocate" them with our love in many ways in order to continue our influence on them.
Do not try to do all necessary things instead of your child, explaining your actions as the fastest method to achieve the required results. Give your baby a chance to take independent decisions. Of course, you know everything better, but such abuse love deprives the child's independence and develops his/her sense of insecurity in the surrounding world.
In the first year of life, parents encourage the child's independent development, are proud of his/her progress, allow to experiment and explore the world. Between one and three years old age parents suddenly change their behavior and begin to constantly say "no". As a result: the kid either takes the prohibitions, completely turning into a coward, or develops immunity to the prohibitions and starts doing as he/she wants.
As a rule, the first years of baby's life are considered to be most important ones. It is the high time when parents should lay the educational foundations and help to develop the child's personality. The key period is at the age from one to three years old. Therefore, up to the age of three, parents should accompany every moment of the toddlers' life.

After three years old you can gradually give the baby more freedom and independence. But do not completely let your baby to do everything he/she wants, believing that the kid will learn to avoid danger after the first bad experience.

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